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Anping Oyster Shell Cement Kiln Museum (Municipal Historic Site)

Burning oyster ash is actually a traditional industry which has a long history in Tainan area. There were already records of this industry during the Dutch Colonial Period (17th century). For hundreds of years, local houses were built with bricks stuck together with oyster ash mixed with syrup and sticky rice mush. But as the modern lime industry began to mass produce cement around the 1970s and 80s, the oyster ash (which had to be burnt by hand) industry gradually fell into obscurity. Many oyster shell kilns in Anping were torn down. The kiln displayed here is the most well-preserved one.
The museum may be small, but it offers the most comprehensive collection of information on this topic in Anping. The museum includes an Oyster Shell Cement Kiln Culture Center, Oyster Ecosystem Exhibition Plaza and Museum, and a Central Plaza.

Hours: 8:30-17:30 (Tues. – Sun.)
Free admission (for guide reservations, please call 06-2286836)
Address: No. 110-1, Anbei Rd.