About this section
- General Waste Management Unit:
Order waste disposal regulations and interpretation, general waste recycling, clearance, planning and execution of the processing, the announcement of the cleared areas designated municipalities. General Waste disposal fees levied planning, setting, announcement and implementation of recyclable waste, kitchen waste and a huge multi-reuse, recycling and decorating waste removal, trash mandatory classification, source reduction, image transformation.
Promote recycling, kitchen waste, huge waste, repair and decorating waste, environmental education place
1.Promote recycling and source reduction education advocacy work
2.Promote kitchen waste recycling work
3.Promote huge waste recycling work
4.Promote repair and decorating waste recycling
5.Handle environmental education park operations management and the work of second-hand furniture and auction items
6.Promote Blue-Economy
- Treatment equipment maintenance sub-division:
Waste-to-Energy (Incineration) Plant planning, landfill, Leachate Treatment Plant, Wan-Li night solid Treatment Plant and operation management
Achievements of this section
1. Source minimization and resource recycling
(1) The recycling rate of Tainan city has reached at 45.83% in 2015, and the municipal solid waste has declined at 0.373 kg per capita per day. The kitchen waste recycling rate has also reached at 11.16%. In 2015, the amount of waste generated was 622,117 ton, compared to 2014, the amount of waste generated was 612,732 ton, its increased about 10,000 ton. Because the increase of the waste, the kitchen waste recycling rate decreased.

(2) The explanation session of resource recycling concept were held 126 sessions and 107,113 persons have participated.

(3) Recycling of Kitchen Waste Composting
a. The number of households that people produced kitchen compost in house reached to 16,624 in 2015. The amount of households increased 1,064 households over than the year before.
b. The kitchen-compost- assistance groups propagate that how to compost kitchen waste for 49 times, and visit who producing kitchen compost for 1,231 times.
c. To hold 11 explanation sessions for propagating how to compost kitchen waste. There were 1,261 people to join the sessions, and 124 people registered to borrow the composting kitchen waste cans from Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government.
d. Ten leaves/kitchen-waste composting sites have been built in 2015. There are 21 schools, 6 community development associations, and 3 village neighborhoods set up in Tainan City till now.
e. The organic fertilizer “shang-chieh fei” which produced by composting kitchen waste are marketed by 20kg and 3kg package at eight positions, including Tainan District Farmers' Association, Chiku District Farmers' Association, Shin-Hua District Farmers' Association, and so on. It has been sold about 97,728 tons, and total income was 568,700 NTD.
(4) The Environmental-Education Park of Tainan city had auctioned 125 second-hand bikes and 5,099 furniture in 2015. The income of Tainan city government was NT 2557,359.
(5) Transformation of resource recycling station in the community.
a. A total of 15 local individual suppliers to enter the building and community, the implementation of waste classification and recycling work to help waste collected for diposal problems in the community.

b. Completion for 13 local resource circulation system, including community, building and village.

(6) Management of Recyclers
a. The examination of 72 companies for 282 times for the recyclable waste recycling of a certain amount, the sanitation of the waste disposing companies, and water containers, including 245 recyclers and 37 waste disposing companies has been completed. Among them, 19 companies were found with deficit and would make improvement within the deadline. 4 were denounced and punished. After the second examination, all of them have been improved.
b. The examination of the sanitation and water containers of 131 antiquities suppliers for 307 times has completed. Among them, 35 suppliers were found with deficit and would make improvement within the deadline while 9 of them were denounced and punished. After the second examination, all of them have been improved.

(7) Management of source waste reduction and examination of recyclable waste
a. The examination of 1,094 companies manufacturing, inputting, selling of limited dry batteries has been completed. No violation of regulations was found during the examination.
b. The examination of 73 suppliers of limited excessive packaging of products has completed. Up to 1,702 gifts were examined. 4 of them were found under excessive packaging and have been transferred to the examination and punishment of the county/city.
c. 15 supermarkets and 3 hypermarkets were helped to reduce the use of plastic trays. The average rate of the reduction of plastic trays is 87.19%. The total of 34,707 kg of plastic trays were reduced.
d. The examination of the use of plastic bags and disposable plastic tableware by 396 companies and 46 facilities and schools has been completed. Among them, one was found with deficit and would make improvement within the deadline while one was denounced and punished. After the second examination, both of them have been improved.
e. The examination of 2,845 beverage shops offering bonus for recycling disposable cups has been completed. All of them offer bonus according to the regulations.
f. The examination of 1,066 companies prohibiting the use of Styrofoam cups and tableware has been completed. Among them, 5 were found with deficit and would make improvement within the deadline while one was denounced and punished. After the second examination, all of them have been improved.
g. The examination of the flow of waste cooking oil of 3,522 small restaurants for 3,086 times has been completed. Among them, 22 were found with deficit and would make improvement within the deadline. After the second examination, all of them have been improved.

(8) Management of the enterprises responsible for recycling, clearance and disposal and vendors.
a. The examination and prohibition of 407 enterprises responsible for recycling, clearance and disposal has been completed. Among them, 227 enterprises failed to register for the enterprises responsible for recycling, clearance and disposal; 85 enterprises did not declare the business amount on schedule; 95 did not mark recycling related labels. After following up examination, all of them have made improvement.
b. The examination of reverse recycling facilities of 1,205 vendors for recyclable goods, including 889 vendors of 12 major manufacturers, 10 vending machines, 306 electric and electronic appliance suppliers. Among them, 91 companies were found with deficit in recycling labels. All of them have been immediately improved during the examination.

(9) Waste Cooking Oil Management:
a. Inspect 3,287 businesses of the waste cooking oil generated by restaurants, diners, and food stalls in night markets and commercial areas. Only 3 businesses were required to improve, prevent waste cooking oil from endangering food safety.
b. 159 work permits for waste cooking oil recyclers have been issued, 214 times of inspections were conducted, and 3 recyclers were required to improve, to make sure they carry their permits.
c. Initiate waste cooking oil record database that to help people track the source and destination of all waste cooking oil, over 275 businesses regularly reported the oil purchasing information, output volume, recycled and designated treatment company of their waste cooking oil.

(10) Dengue Fever Management:
a. Inspect 1,426 recycling enterprises, inspection rate was 7.13 times per enterprise. 40 enterprises were fined, fine rate was 2.8%.
b. Inspect 3,523 recycling households, inspection rate was 3.35 times per household. 12 households were fined, fine rate was 0.3%.
c. Purchased 30,746 kg recycling waste of 12 households for NT 31,952.

2. The Operation performances of Incinerator Plant
(1) The majority of operation performances of 2015 are incineration amounts 221,730 tons of Tainan Refuse Incinerator Plant;and incineration amounts 293,470 tons of YongKang,Waste-to-energy (Incineration) plant.
(2) The bottom ash quality, waste water treatment quality, and environmental guarantees of both plants, such as related environmental regulation, air pollution emission, noise and fly ash stabilization product satisfy with related standard values.

3. Leachate treatment plant operation management(include night soil plant)
(1) In 2015, the amount of influent water treated was 122,012 tons and the amount of effluent water was 48,751 tons in Chenxi Leachate treatment plant.
(2) Anding regional joint Leachate treatment plant:
a. In 2015, the amount of influent water treated was 145,982.3 tons and the amount of effluent water was 137,682.6 tons.
b. In 2015, the sum of Leachate treatment from all of Tainan City Municipal Landfills was 37,513.1 tons and Anding regional sanitary landfill totally produced 56,103.3 tons.
c. In 2015, the amount of night soil treatment was 52,365.9 tons, inclusive of Wanli night soil plant 14,991.12 tons.

4. Bottom Ash Recycling
The total of bottom ash are 41,313 tons(2015),The YTG have Recycling 36,295 tons and It has been sold 35,490.74 tons.
5. The Operation performances of flyash solidification
The majority of operation performances of 2015 are solidification amounts 13,620 tons flyash of Tainan flyash solidification and proper bury for Tainan Refuse Incinerator Plant;and proper bury 13,056 tons flyash stabilized composition for YongKang,Waste-to-energy (Incineration) plant。
6. Landfill Supervision and leachate Collection and transportation
(1) Leachate treatment plant supervision examining result:
a. Every monthes the qualities of effluent water in Anding and Chenxi leachate treatment plant complied with standard.
b. Underground water test was made once 3 months at least, and there were 4 testing operations in sum, which complied with standards.
(2) Landfill supervision examining result:
a. About Landfill underground examine, 65 wells tests were made, all of them met the underground water control standards.
b. There were 638 sessions to supervise the conditions of Landfill operation.
c. The seasonal Environmental Monitoring of Rende III、Guiren II、 Madou II、Xinyin V and Chenxi III landfill was finished, inclusive of 8 surface water samplings, 52 underground water samplings, 12 air samplings, all complied with standard.
7. Entrust Management Report of Chengxi and Yongkang incineration plants compensatory facilities
(1) 104 The annual number of visitors to the park reserved facilities was 12,803 people, the Yongkang facilities reserved for the number of park visitors is 26,184 people, Yongkang facilities, including the steam spa, the billiard room and the fitness room is set to change to another start-up environment, including a lifestyle area with health and other community sports curriculum, the course contents are: simple erhu playing(Chinese musical instrument), Taiko drumming, nature photography, yoga and comprehensive aerobics. This year 2,443 people participated.
(2) The two facilities reserved for the Dragon Boat Festival hosted fake "Dragon egg balancing games" and a "Dragon Addict sweet heart" activity; the other activity held in 2015, was the "Happy Watermelon Festival" on July 25th, and in the off-season in October, Yongkang facilities had the festivals titled "Happy Halloween", "Merry Christmas and Thanksgiving day," These were all successful and unique activities.