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A Happy New Year for Anding’s Elderly: District Office Delivers Festive Food to Senior Citizens

A Happy New Year for Anding’s Elderly: District Office Delivers Festive Food to Senior Citizens

    With the Chinese New Year quickly approaching, Anding District Chief Liu Shih-Hsiung led a group of village chiefs and officers that delivered warmth and happy vibes via Chinese New Year dishes. On the morning of February 7 (Wednesday), the team dropped off the food, which included five dishes, one soup, and one dessert. The volunteers also wished the recipients a happy Chinese New Year so that they, too, would be able to feel the joyous spirit of the holiday season as they welcomed the new year with joy in their hearts.

    This is the fourth year that New Year meals have been delivered to elderly living in single-person households. The recipients seem to absolutely love the kind gesture. Some senior citizens who live alone aren’t all that willing to leave the house to get food either because of their own life habits or that they lack access to convenient transportation. Like in the past, a great variety of dishes was put in vacuum-sealed packaging, making it easy to store in the refrigerator or freezer. Cooking previously prepared food like this is also quite simple, as it can be eaten right after being microwaved or double-boiled.   

    District Chief Liu explained that the amount of senior citizens living in single-person households will steadily increase as Taiwan becomes more and more of an aging society. Therefore, taking care of the elderly now means we’ll be taken care of when we get old someday. In order to ensure that Anding District’s elderly population receives the care it truly needs, the district offers a host of services, such as accompanying senior citizens to receive medical care, making sure the underprivileged have warm clothes and blankets during colder months, and helping the elderly apply for Senior EasyCards, which give them discounted rates whenever they take public transportation. The district is also being proactive about incorporating different elderly welfare policies that’ve been created by Tainan City Government. The district office hoped that delivering Chinese New Year-style meals to elderly living alone before the ethnic Chinese holiday season helped Anding’s oldest residents take in the season’s merry atmosphere as well as feel happy and cared for while they enjoyed this special time of the year.


Contact: Anding District Office, Social Affairs Section, Lin I-yin, Phone: 5921116 Ext. 129