About this section
- Environmental Sanitation Management Unit:
i. Collection and transport of general waste
ii. Cleaning of streets and gutters
iii. Inspection and maintenance of the sanitary conditions of public washroom facilities
iv. Detection and reporting of violations of sanitary standards
v. Management of street poster placement and removal of illegally placed posters
vi. Management of empty houses and fields
vii. Coastal area cleaning and beach cleaning
viii. Dengue fever prevention and control
- District Cleaning Team Affairs Management Unit:
i. Management of cleaning squadron affairs
ii. Procurement and maintenance of cleaning vehicles
iii. Civil defense training and emergency relief
iv. Property and budget management
v. Providing portable restrooms in support of large events
- Cleaning squadrons of 36 districts citywide:
Providing waste collection/transport, street sweeping, street gutter cleaning services in the districts they serve.

Achievements of this section
- In 2017, to ensure environmental cleanness, the Section:
i. Performed sanitary condition assessment of 7,557 public washroom facilities, of which 3,727 were given an “excellent” rating, and the other 728 were given a “good” rating.
ii. Eliminated 41,461 potential breeding sites for dengue infections; cleaned 37,902 open grounds; removed 3,327 waste tires and 219,326 vessels. A total of 27,715 personnel were involved in the cleaning, making 4,343 truck trips combined, with 13,279 metric tons of trash and waste removed from drains and gutters.
iii. Received 632 reports of violations of public hygiene regulations, and detected 278 such cases. Total amount of fines issued was NT$333,600.
iv. Received 6,419 reports of violations of public hygiene standards in open fields and empty houses; and detected 347 such cases.
v. Mobilized 102,689 people citywide on the Epidemic Prevention Day to join a cleaning campaign. A total of 96,737 containers holding water were cleaned, 9,778 places of waste disposed of, and drains spanning 3,861 places removed.
vi. Carried out a “one-borough-a-day” cleaning program, which was implemented across 10,645 boroughs, with 109,811 people participating to clean 112,470 containers with water and 38,425 dirty places.
vii. Carried out a dengue fever larvae cleaning campaign. A total of 23 cases were reported and handled across 11 districts . In addition, 27 breeding sites and 7 drains tested positive for the virus were detected upon closer inspection of the high-risk areas around a 50-meter radius of the reported cases. A total of 57 high-risk sites were discovered and flagged as targets for further inspection.
viii. Garnered an “good” rating from the Environmental Protection Administration in the 2016 municipal governments’ environmental sanitation management performance review for special municipalities and counties (cities).
- To strengthen cleaning operations, the Section:
i. Carried out cleaning duties in local communities, spending a combined 25,656 person days cleaning 5,671 kilometers of streets and alleys, 997 fields totaling 181,352 m2 and 16,948 containers holding water, in addition to mowing grounds with a combined area of 987,366 m2 and removing 115,467 flyers illegally posted on public property and 1,380 metric tons of waste.
ii. Made a total of 704 delivery trips for providing portable restrooms for public events
iii. Detected and filed reports for 3,030 abandoned vehicles, of which 1303 were towed away afterwards.
iv. Received 431 applications for installing street/pole banners.
v. Sold a total of 46,489.6 tons of kitchen leftovers, wood pallets, recycled materials and waste wood.