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According to The Anti-Corruption Informant Rewards and Protection Regulation, the reward given to the informant shall be calculated based on the following table:
The Table of Rewards
The Judgment of the Court
Over 15 years of imprisonment, life incarceration, death sentence
NT 6.7 million dollars to NT 10 million dollars
Between 10 years and 15 years of imprisonment
NT 4 million dollars to NT 6.7 million dollars
Between 7 years and 10 years of imprisonment
NT 2.8 million dollars to NT 4 million
Between 5 years and 7 years of imprisonment
NT 2 million dollars to NT 2.8 million dollars
Between 3 years and 5 years of imprisonment
NT 1.4 million dollars to NT 2 million dollars
Between 1 year and 3 years of imprisonment
NT 800,000 dollars to NT 1.4 million dollars
Less than 1 year of imprisonment, detention in jail, fine
NT 300,000 dollars to NT 800,000 dollars