On August 31 2020, the Civil Service Ethics Office, Tainan City Government held the “2020 Ethics Personnel Professional Competence Seminar III” in the training classroom on the 11th floor of Yonghua Civic Center. We invited Chief Jiang Jia-wei of the Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice to give a special lecture on specific methods of agency safety maintenance, and Adjunct Assistant Professor Li Quan-xin of National Taiwan Sport University to lecture on the concierge and crisis management of the 2020 National Day Fireworks event. Through the opportunity of organizational learning, we enhanced the competency of ethics personnel in maintaining agency safety, while taking into account the quality of service at the same time.
Assistant Professor Li Quan-xin stated that, important festivities like the National Day Fireworks contribute to city marketing and are also the pride of Tainan. As ethics personnel are responsible for the safety maintenance and concierge service of the event, what they say and do represent the image of the agency. By integrating security and service and handling crises in a timely manner with a customer-oriented approach, they can complete the mission successfully. His lecture covered various aspects, including an overview of the concierge service of national celebrations, self-image management and security and crisis management. He also shared relevant cases, photos and his experience in serving as a concierge at many major national celebrations, so that government staff could gain a better understanding of the precautions and basic principles of concierge service, as well as how to deal with on-site petitions and protests.
Chief Jiang stated that in the past two years, due to the promotion of national security, maintenance work has become more important than ever. This year, the Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice will draft partial amendments to the Classified National Security Information Protection Act, as well as carry out the legalization of general official secrecy. In addition, Chief Jiang lectured on current maintenance work, how ethics offices improve agency safety, and implementation plans for maintaining official secrecy. Apart from key reminders of agency safeguard measures newly added this year, he also pointed government staff in the right direction for maintaining agency safety, which will be very helpful for future work. During the Q&A session at the end of the seminar, ethics personnel asked a lot of questions regarding the previous topics and the issues that they encountered, which Chief Jiang answered in detail one by one. The seminar ended at 4:30 pm and was a complete success.