Please apply for the replacement of the falling, lost, or damaged house number plate at the household registration office.
Bảng số nhà gốc bị rơi, mất hoặc hỏng không thể sử dụng tiếp, có thể đăng ký cấp lại với Văn phòng Hộ chính tại nơi đăng ký Hộ tịch.
Plat nomor pintu sebelumnya yang telah pudar, hilang atau rusak dapat dimohon yang baru ke Kantor Catatan Sipil.
ทะเบียนเลขที่บ้านเดิมหล่นลงมา สูญหายหรือเสียหายและไม่สามารถใช้ได้ คุณสามารถยื่นขอออกจากสำนักงานทะเบียนบ้านได้